CSS Layout 1


Introduction 2
Chapter 1: Structure 12
Chapter 2: Text 40
Chapter 3: Lists 62
Chapter 4: Links 74
Chapter 5: Images 94
Chapter 6: Tables 126
Chapter 7: Forms 144
Chapter 8: Extra Markup 176
Chapter 9: Flash, Video & Audio 200
Chapter 10: Introducing CSS 226
Chapter 11: Color 246
Chapter 12: Text 264
Chapter 13: Boxes 300
Chapter 14: Lists, Tables & Forms 330
Chapter 15: Layout 358
Chapter 16: Images 406
Chapter 17: HTML5 Layout 428
Chapter 18: Process & Design 452
Chapter 19: Practical Information 476
Index 493

Column 2 of 3

css float: left;

3 345 7890 2345 7890 2345 7890 2345 78




Column 3 of 3

css float: right;

3 345 7890 2345 7890 2345 7890 2345 78


  1. 11 - Ordered list
  2. 12
  3. 13
  4. 14
  5. 15

Chapter 8: Extra Markup

p176 - doctype - comments - id - class - block level elements h1 p ul li start always new line
p186 - inline elements continue on same line a b em img
div groups elements to block level box - screen space change via id or class - makes it easier to follow code - add comments

p188 - span used as inline element to control via id or class etc.
meta - description keywords robots author pragma expires
p193 - escape charaters < > / " ¢ £ ¥ € © ® ™ ‘ ’ “ ” × ÷

Chapter 9: Flash, Video & Audio - 200

Chapter 10: Introducing CSS

p226 - CSS can control each HTML element separately - block level or inline - BOXES width height color style background-color images position - TEXT typeface size color italics bold uppercase lowercase small-caps - SPECIFIC style lists tables forms
p {font-family: Arial;} - selector p - curly brackets/braces - declaration in two parts: property:value separated by colon - several properties separated by semi-colon ;
p234 - external stylesheet <link href="css/example.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> - internal CSS - put into <head> <style type="text/css"> - in <body> <p style="color:red;">

p237 - CSS selectors - case sensitive - * universal - h1, h2 etc. type - .note p.note class - # id - li>a child - p a descendant - h1+p adjacent_sibling - h1~p general_sibling
Cascading precedence - last rule - specificity - importance !important
Inheritance - parent inherits properties to child - exeptions like background-color or border properties - we can force a lot of properties to inherit values from their parent elements by using inherit;

p242 - Different browser quirks - finding and squashing bugs is easy - test your site in many browsers - test website via online tools how different computers would send them - BrowserCam.com - BrowserShots.org - CrossBrowserTesting.com - BrowserLab.Adobe.com - check for older browser versions and different OS - use search engines for solutions - visit PositionIsEverything.net - QuirksMode.org

Chapter 11: Color

p246 - 147 predefined color names - colorcodehex.com - htmlcolorname.com - cloford.com - crockford.com - colors.commutercreative.com - w3schools.com

3 ways: /* color name */ h1 { color: DarkCyan; } - /* comment */
/* hex code */ h2 { color: #ee3f80; } - Hex represents red green blue in 6 digits startet with # (hash or pound sign) - 16 values 0-9 and a-f - 2 digits for red green blue
/* rgb value */ p{ color: rgb(90,255,0); } - RGB red green blue - value 0-255 for each color of RGB
RGB equals Hex - rgb(102,205,170) = #66cdaa - name is in this case MediumAquaMarine (only 147 colors)
HSLA see p255

p250 - CSS treats HTML elements as if they are in a box - background-color shows it:
body {background-color: rgb(200,200,200);} h1 {background-color: DarkCyan;} h2 {background-color: #ee3e80;} p{background-color: white;}
IF bgcolor is not specified it is transparent - by default most browsers have white background, we can define other on website - padding separates text from edges of box

Understanding Colors
p252 - Hue is near to the colloquial idea of color. Technically speaking however, a color can also have saturation and brightness as well as hue.
Saturation = amount of grey - max sat = no grey, min sat = 100% grey
Brightness = amount of black - max br = no black, min br = 100% black
Contrast has to be balanced - better minimize contrast a little bit if there is a lot of text to read - contrast for mobile devices and sunshine need to be well balanced - Colour Contrast Check
p254 - Opacity 0.0 - 1.0 (0.5 = 50%, 1.0 = 100%)


Drinks Fruits Vegetables Cereals Milk Products Nuts Sweets Total
Shake Apple Carrot Bread Butter Walnut Cake Wow!
Juice Pineapple Eggplant Pretzel Sticks Cheese Hazelnut Chocolate
Water Banana Onion Granola Yoghurt Almond Money Mixed Salad :-)

Google Maps

Embed Websites

Feroniba Ramin Hassani

p189 - <iframe>

Notes & Links


body {
background-color: #FF9;
margin: 0;
border: 0;

background-image: url(/media/images/css/bgi40.png);
background-repeat: /* no-repeat; */

background-position: right top;
background-attachment: fixed; /**/



The Disney movie The Little Mermaid was first released to theatres in 1989.

More info about the movie...

learningwebgl.com - urbangalaxyonline.com - WebGL Wikipedia - khronos.org - media.tojicode.com