(No version information available, might only be in Git)
MongoCommandCursor::info — Gets the query, fields, limit, and skip for this cursor
This can be called before or after the query.
This function has no parameters.
Returns the namespace, limit, skip, query, fields, connection and iteration information for this cursor.
Example #1 MongoCommandCursor::info() example
$m = new MongoClient();
$c = $m->test->test;
$cursor = $c->commandCursor( [
'aggregate' => 'test',
'pipeline' => [
[ '$match' => [ '_id' => [ '$exists' => true ] ] ],
] );
echo "Before iteration started:\n";
echo "Aftere iteration started:\n";
The above example will output something similar to:
Before iteration started: array(8) { 'ns' => string(9) "test.test" 'limit' => int(0) 'batchSize' => int(0) 'skip' => int(0) 'flags' => int(0) 'query' => array(2) { 'aggregate' => string(4) "test" 'pipeline' => array(1) { [0] => array(1) { '$match' => array(1) { '_id' => array(1) { '$exists' => bool(true) } } } } } 'fields' => NULL 'started_iterating' => bool(false) } Aftere iteration started: array(17) { 'ns' => string(9) "test.test" 'limit' => int(0) 'batchSize' => int(101) 'skip' => int(0) 'flags' => int(0) 'query' => array(3) { 'aggregate' => string(4) "test" 'pipeline' => array(1) { [0] => array(1) { '$match' => array(1) { '_id' => array(1) { '$exists' => bool(true) } } } } 'cursor' => array(1) { 'batchSize' => int(101) } } 'fields' => NULL 'started_iterating' => bool(true) 'id' => int(0) 'at' => int(0) 'numReturned' => int(0) 'server' => string(24) "localhost:27017;-;.;2316" 'host' => string(9) "localhost" 'port' => int(27017) 'connection_type_desc' => string(10) "STANDALONE" 'firstBatchAt' => int(0) 'firstBatchNumReturned' => int(1) }