PHP Manual

Predefined Constants

The constants below are defined by this extension, and will only be available when the extension has either been compiled into PHP or dynamically loaded at runtime.

The following opcodes are defined as constants by uopz:

ZEND_EXIT (integer)
Invoked by exit() and die(), recieves no arguments. Return boolean TRUE to exit, FALSE to continue
ZEND_NEW (integer)
Invoked by object construction, receives the class of object being created as the only argument
ZEND_THROW (integer)
Invoked by the throw construct, receives the class of exception being thrown as the only argument
ZEND_ADD_TRAIT (integer)
Invoked upon composure, recieves the class the trait is being added to as the first argument, and the name of the trait as the second argument
Invoked upon composure, recieves the class the interface is being added to as the first argument, and the name of the interface as the second argument
Invoked by instanceof operator, recieves the object being verified as the first argument, and the name of the class which that object should be as the second argument

The following constants control the VM's behaviour after a user handler is invoked, be extremely careful!

Advance 1 opcode and continuue
Enter into new op_array without recursion
Return to calling op_array within the same executor
Dispatch to original opcode handler
Dispatch to a specific handler (OR'd with ZEND opcode constant)
Exit from executor (return from function)

PHP Manual