Game Creations

C++ Workshop

☢   Let's start!  ✈


0 - Learn about Video Game (Wikipedia) • List of best-selling video games (Wikipedia) • Video game genres (Wikipedia) • List of video game developers (Wikipedia) • Ten Books Designers Should All Read ( by Rob Hale) • Game programming (Wikipedia) • Video game development (Wikipedia) • Video game developer (Wikipedia) • Game programmer (Wikipedia) • Language Comparison ( • Programming Language Comparison (Jason Voegele) • C++ (Wikipedia) • Why I Created C++ (Bjarne Stroustrup - YouTube) • Best book to learn C++ ( • How long to learn C++ ( • C++ Compiler for Mac OS X (

1 - Download or get the book from the Sams series " Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days" written by Bradley Jones (Wikipedia) • Visit his blog & follow and read his tweets on Twitter

2 - Download & install the C++ compiler from Eclipse (Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers - Mac OS X(Cocoa64) • or Windows 64-bit • or Linux 64-bit)

For Mac users:

• Make shure that you've got the latest update of the Xcode application (YouTube instruction), located in your Applications folder
• If you find other Xcode versions at other places on your Mac put them in the trash
• Open Xcode and see if it works - check that you have got the newest update (26.3.2013 it's version 4.6.1) - you may try working with it, go Xcode User Guide
• Later we will come back to work with Xcode, don't worry ☺
• Manually install Command Line Tools: Xcode > Preferences > Downloads > Components > select Command Line Tools (118.4 MB) > Install - This installs the missing paths to gcc - g++ and make - the new path is now: /Applications/ (open with right-click > Show Package Contents)
• Now you may install Eclipse PlugIns and the newest CDT - stands for Eclipse C/C++ Development Toolkit - it is version 8.1.2 - 26.3.2013) - but you don't have to ☺

3 - Open Eclipse (Mac right-click on the application and open)
• Choose a "Workspace" creating a folder for workspace
• Hook “Use this as the default and do not ask again"
• Go Menu > Help > Help Contents, it opens the Workbench user guide in your browser (if it doesn't open your default browser copy the url from the open browser and open it in your default browser) - or go > C/C++ Development User Guide
• Work it over ✌

Prepare the Workbench
• Views and perspectives (drag and drop view windows anywhere you like to put them - add or close views - change perspectives)
• Learn Window > Perspective
• Change if needed Menu Eclipse > Preferences > General > Editors etc.
• Change if needed Preferences > C/C++ Editor etc.

4 - Create a simple application
• Create a project HelloWorld
• Menu Project > Build Project or CTRL B (Mac command B)
• Look for errors or warnings in Problems view
• See Outline view objects created from your code - selecting an object highlights text in editor
• > Run > Run Configurations... - select C/C++ Application - click New (launch configuration) - click Run

Now you should see the Hallo World application running in the Console view. Success!

Wed 27.3.2013 0:52 ☺ ♡ ♬ ♪ ☆ Feroniba Ramin Hassani

We will learn " Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days" using Xcode for Mac.

• Download Xcode from App Store - install
• Create a HelloWorld C++ Project - Use Xcode to Program C++
• Run it - learn to get used to Xcode and C++ coding
• From now on just open your HelloWorld.xcodeproj - tab on main.cpp - delete the code - enter the code of the lessons from " Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days" - run ⌨ ♡

Now we are ready for the real start!

☆ Congratulations, my dear companion ☆

Lesson 1

5 - Coming soon ... ❆

Follow us learning "Accelerated C++ - Practical Programming by Example" by Andrew Koenig and Barbara E. Moo - Bjarne Stroustrup's personal homepage - Creator of C++
Best C++ Books for Beginners -
How to create a C++ project on Eclipse Juno
Game Development: Getting Started Part 1 - 2 - 3
A comparison of common programming languages used in bioinformatics

More coming soon ☺

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