The Disney movie The Little Mermaid was first released to theatres in 1989.
More info about the movie...
CSS3: The Missing Manual, Third Edition
HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites - - Jon Duckett - 512 pages - November 2011, ©2011 Wiley -
Adobe Create Now - Creative Days London: An Interview with Swifty and Jon Duckett
HTML & CSS: Design and Build Websites by Jon Duckett - YouTube
Index - Final Code -
JS Code -
Pedal Faster - 2014 - free css3 html5 templates - - - -
TW 13.3K - -
TW 232K - top100 css websites - -
TW 30.9K
Wodoil -
CSS reference - MDN
CSS Color Picker -
Online Ruler (cm)
css float: left;
3 345 7890 2345 7890 2345 7890 2345 78css float: right;
3 345 7890 2345 7890 2345 7890 2345 78p176 - doctype - comments - id - class - block level elements h1 p ul li start always new line
p186 - inline elements continue on same line a b em img
div groups elements to block level box - screen space change via id or class - makes it easier to follow code - add comments
p188 - span used as inline element to control via id or class etc.
meta - description keywords robots author pragma expires
p193 - escape charaters < > / " ¢ £ ¥ € © ® ™ ‘ ’ “ ” × ÷
p200 -
p226 - CSS can control each HTML element separately - block level or inline - BOXES width height color style background-color images position - TEXT typeface size color italics bold uppercase lowercase small-caps - SPECIFIC style lists tables forms
p {font-family: Arial;} - selector p - curly brackets/braces - declaration in two parts: property:value separated by colon - several properties separated by semi-colon ;
p234 - external stylesheet <link href="css/example.css" type="text/css"
rel="stylesheet" /> - internal CSS - put into <head> <style type="text/css"> - in <body> <p style="color:red;">
p237 - CSS selectors - case sensitive - * universal - h1, h2 etc. type - .note p.note class - # id - li>a child - p a descendant - h1+p adjacent_sibling - h1~p general_sibling
Cascading precedence - last rule - specificity - importance !important
Inheritance - parent inherits properties to child - exeptions like background-color or border properties - we can force a lot of properties to inherit values from their parent elements by using inherit;
p242 - Different browser quirks - finding and squashing bugs is easy - test your site in many browsers - test website via online tools how different computers would send them - - - - - check for older browser versions and different OS - use search engines for solutions - visit -
p246 - 147 predefined color names - - - - - -
3 ways: /* color name */ h1 { color: DarkCyan; } - /* comment */
/* hex code */ h2 { color: #ee3f80; } - Hex represents red green blue in 6 digits startet with # (hash or pound sign) - 16 values 0-9 and a-f - 2 digits for red green blue
/* rgb value */ p{ color: rgb(90,255,0); } - RGB red green blue - value 0-255 for each color of RGB
RGB equals Hex - rgb(102,205,170) = #66cdaa - name is in this case MediumAquaMarine (only 147 colors)
HSLA see p255
p250 - CSS treats HTML elements as if they are in a box - background-color shows it:
body {background-color: rgb(200,200,200);} h1 {background-color: DarkCyan;} h2 {background-color: #ee3e80;} p{background-color: white;}
IF bgcolor is not specified it is transparent - by default most browsers have white background, we can define other on website - padding separates text from edges of box
Understanding Colors
p252 - Hue is near to the colloquial idea of color. Technically speaking however, a color can also have saturation and brightness as well as hue.
Saturation = amount of grey - max sat = no grey, min sat = 100% grey
Brightness = amount of black - max br = no black, min br = 100% black
Contrast has to be balanced - better minimize contrast a little bit if there is a lot of text to read - contrast for mobile devices and sunshine need to be well balanced - Colour Contrast Check
p254 - Opacity 0.0 - 1.0 (0.5 = 50%, 1.0 = 100%) ...
p264 -
p300 - Boxes - Control box size - border margin padding - hide - CSS treats HTML elements as boxes - positioning see Chapter 15
border padding margin
border-top-right-radius: 0px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 20px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 40px;
border-top-left-radius: 90px;
p330 -
Drinks | Fruits | Vegetables | Cereals | Milk Products | Nuts | Sweets | Total |
Shake | Apple | Carrot | Bread | Butter | Walnut | Cake | Wow! |
Juice | Pineapple | Eggplant | Pretzel Sticks | Cheese | Hazelnut | Chocolate | |
Water | Banana | Onion | Granola | Yoghurt | Almond | Money | Mixed Salad :-) |
p359 - controlling where elements sit on the page and how to create attractive layouts - screen-design can be different to print-design etc. - we learn positioning using normal flow, relative and absolute positioning, and floats - devices different sizes an resolutions - this affects design process - difference and creation of fixed width and liquid layouts - more professional look with grids
Screen Sizes
p377 -
Layout Grids
p387 -
p397 - Example Layout - Pedal Faster
Controllong Sizes of Images in CSS
p409 - Testing Images - define width and height properties - helps to load rest of HTML-page faster, not waiting to first load the image - a lot of sites use same image sizes across many of their pages - e-commerce sites use same image size - or if site is designed on a grid, like portrait, landscape, photo etc. - can use CSS to change size, not HTML
p410 - Determine sizes, give names: large medium small - use in <img /> class names, add selectors: <img class="medium" /> CSS: img.medium {width: 250px;
height: 157px;} - change size via CSS to control dimensions of width and height
Aligning Images using CSS
p411 - Use float property to move element to left or right and allow text to flow around - 2 ways: add float to class or create new class and use both classes in addition in <img> element - add margin to ensure that text doesn't touch images edges
Centering Images using CSS
p412 - Images by default inline element - flow within surrounded text - centering image use CSS display: block; to make it block-level element - 2 ways: on containing element text-align: center; or use margin: 0px auto; sets left and right margins - we can specify class names to allow any element to be centered - same for dimensions and alignment - can do it with HTML5 <figure> too (p119)
Background Images
p413 - Testing Background Images
body {background-image: url("/media/images/css/lessons/pattern.gif");} or
p {background-image: url("/media/images/css/lessons/pattern.gif");}
Often last thing on page to load (can make website seem slow to load) - if size of file is large it will take longer to download
Repeating Images
p414 - background-repeat: repeat; (default) or repeat-x; (horizontally) or repeat-y; (vertically) or no-repeat
background-attachment: fixed; or scroll; (default?)
Using CSS flexible boxes - MDN
A Complete Guide to Flexbox -
Designing CSS Layouts With Flexbox Is As Easy As Pie
Fluid images - Responsive Webdesign - Ethan Marcotte - © June 2011 by A Book Apart
The Disney movie The Little Mermaid was first released to theatres in 1989.
More info about the movie... - - - - WebGL Wikipedia - - - - - - - Take The Throne -