WebGL Wikipedia - MDN - khronos.org = webgl.org - get.webgl.org - stackoverflow.com - learningwebgl.com - WebGL books

CSS Color Picker - w3schools.com
WebGl Beginner's Guide - Diego Cantor/Brandon Jones - 376 pages - © June 2012 by Packt Publishing Ltd. - code
Professional WebGL Programming - Developing 3D Graphics for the Web - Andreas Anyuru -361 pages - © June 2012 by Wrox - code
HTML5 Games: Creating Fun with HTML5, CSS3, and WebGL - 456 pages - © January 2012 by Wyley - Jacob Seidelin - code
Learning Three.js: The JavaScript 3D Library for WebGL - Jos Dirksen - 402 pages - © October 2013 by Packt
Chrome Developer Tools - Menu > Tools > Developer Tools or rightclick > Inspect Element

Beginning WebGL for HTML5

Beginning WebGL for HTML5 - Brian Danchilla - 356 pages - © September 2012 by Apress - code

About author and technical reviewer - Acknowledgments
pxviii - WebGL (Web-based Graphics Language) - using JavaScript API that interacts with the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) - assumtions are: basic knowledge of 2D and 3D computer graphics concepts such as pixels, colors, primitives, and transforms > Appendix B - be familiar with HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery > Appendix A - Appendix D references for further readings

Notes & Links

Top Sites

learningwebgl.com - urbangalaxyonline.com - WebGL Wikipedia - khronos.org - media.tojicode.com - raptjs.com - turing-game.pl - gootechnologies.com/pearl-boy - labs.gooengine.com/mozlod - Take The Throne - 3D head - GPU Shader Experiments

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