Testing Area - JavaScript & jQuery

Testing Area

Test 1

Test 2

Test 3
var ten = 10;
alert (ten * ten); // chapter 2 - Variables

Test 4
var a = 56;


JS Course - Drafts

Explore the net for JS books you love - YouTube videos (Douglas Crockford etc.) - forums etc. - make up your mind what to read - different books simultanously ok - read it consequently
• 2 paths: hard way or fun way - or mix
• Understand 3 levels: beginner, mediate, advanced
• FO advice: LR from good books like Jump Start JS - Eloquent JS - JS Enlightenment - JS: The Good Parts etc. - free jsbooks.revolunet.com for Beginner Intermediate Advanced
• Learn to use Mozilla JS Reference - ECMAScript 262 last (5th or ES5) edition - and reference books like JS The Definitive Guide - Professional JS for Web Developers etc.
• Develop your own methods to be effective and find ways how to remember the main informations
• Create a homepage for your learning notes and JS tests and protect it - install this JavaScript Protection or search for other
• Keep in mind you have to master HTML CSS JS jQuery Canvas SVG DOM BOM JSON AJAX PHP ...
Precedence of modules and themes to master: variables types arrays objects functions operators methods ...
• Sandbox Firebug (for Google Chrome) Console etc.
• Validation
• Aggregation, composition - ojs ch1
• Use Github Twitter etc.
• JSON AJAX jQuery
• Start with Conditions and Loops :-)
• Importance of errors - false undefined NaN error
• Importance of typeof - get all types :-) And make interchanges :-)
• Declaring variables is like declaring the persons of a play or the themes (exposition) of a symphony or sonata - after that we see the essence of the play, hear the main part of the music peace, or the code program :-)
• We don't need a book or course that says it all - or go to JS The Definite Guide etc. - we need a path which shows us the way to get it from scratch to get it all step by step - with interchangable steps :-)
• Create tasks which contain all or many elements of JS language - var array function object number boolean string undefined null NaN statement condition block etc.

JS Course Modules

• Learn the most effective way - shortest - essential - comprehensive - memorize - tasks - Like implementing a perfect chip of JS knowledge in our conciousness - like magic - we learn it now - Motivation: Jesus - who gives gets more - own experience: teaching is better than learning, learning better than reading or listening, that better than thinking, and that better than not caring or arguing or fighting it
• Reference books and websites - why we start explaining in one way or method and may end in another way or method

HTML elements list: history - .html save open text_editor browser - domain subdomain mail social_media links - tags - attributes?
CSS elements list: ...

Elements of m1 -
• <script></script> tags - head body .js - HTML CSS basis, mini course - .html file in folder, save, open - Hello World!
alert(); - document.write(); - explain ; - Hello World!
console.log() - Firebug etc. - Chrome etc. - Hello World!
var if else-if else - CSS background-color color font font-size center left right top bottom - change with JS - time - random
• Variables
• 5 primitive data types - typeof - strings numbers booleans null undefined
• Operators - operands
Non-primitive data types - arrays objects functions
• Event handlers

New - not learned yet

(function object) - prototype inheritance constructor scope jump closure class storage cookies offline_apps scripted_media_(images audio video SVG canvas) api blobs client-side_databases web_sockets hoisting


• We need essential content - short - first - 2015-1-5?
• Good questions, tasks, problems - perfect answers, programs to find the right content and proportions
• Things in life come and go, grow and disappear again - be aware of it - let it be so, let it go - 2015-1-10?
Create site changing colors, background-color and fonts in intervals - then another moving the letters - and one doing it 3D - 2015-1-12 London 2:00 - Start
• WR JS Course in modules which can be read in any order - if not they tell which module has to be studied first and in which order - 2015-1-12 London 19:00 - WR pauses every 50 min etc. - insert fun tasks and events etc. - Course like first class flight :-)
• R course without having to WR or care how to memorize - but WR homework, a lot of code :-) - 2015-1-19 London 4:00
• Life remains a game - not really becoming serious or a mastery - 2015-1-19 London 6:00
• Explain all main content words of all reference books - 2015-1-20 London 1:00
• WR book about JS - course - as a fairy tale with pictures, story, and online moving JS in canvas, browser, node.js etc. ♡ ♡ ♡ 2015-1-20 London 23:48 • shortest list about main words of JS 2015-1-21 London 0:16 • script: famous people meet in heaven after their death - good and bad - and relate to each other 0:30 • game course hp life plc all merge to one construct ♡ define rules 0:43 • WR JS themes in chapter title (and explanation text small or in brackets) 0:57 • WR HP which changes all HTML and CSS tags via JS and timer 1:06
• LR Mac commands :-) - Thu 2015-1-22 London 18:55
• Build a virtual house/website/game etc. - need connection to the world, a street/domain/ads etc. - need a door and a key/password etc. - Fri 2015-1-23 London 2:56 • There are a few very short formulas or concepts to understand which take more time to get it deeply - go for it :-) 3:18
• JS MDN seems to me very dry, cold and hard - ojs is full of feeling, warm and lovely ♡ - 2015-1-27 London 14:15
• Why are keywords written with a starting character like &keyword - &if &do etc.



(Black background - fullscreen - music - words appear in single white letters in 3D, luminescent with slow movements, one after the other.)
Hello Name!
This game is about you.
And about everyone.
It is about our world, and about other worlds, too.
We will meet Gods and the angels and visit paradise.
Together we will travel through spheres beyond imagination.
We will create our own world - without limitations.
And we will explore ourselves as those who we really are.
You will be released from all kinds of conditioning things - ingame, and perhaps in real life, too.
And you will meet others who are exploring all of this together with you.
Are you ready?
Let's start/go...

Create your account - email, user name, real name (optional), password, confirm, login

1 - Creation

• Choose the color you love most. (Colors to choose appear - after choosing screen changes to the choosen color)
• Choose your favorite race - You can create many characters in each race - one character has to be the main character - you can change your main character, but have to declare it in the game in the history hall.
• Now let us create a character for you. Learn first about races. You can create your own race at a point in your history, but not now. Be patient. Create your body shape and your first clothes. (Characters to choose and to form appear - create desired shape)
• You can change your name, color, character, body and everything else at any time, following the particular path to do so. (Box appears and explains how to do it)
• Let us now learn more about the rules, places, races and tasks you have to pass to start your adventure in lu
• Enter hall of history - start your adventure in lu ♡

2 - Races & Rules

Spirit have rules, Mater no rules but nature by force, Oter have other rules.
Spirit rules came from the Gods and angels.
They only take what is given or can be taken without violence and disturbance.

Mater accept only the rules of nature and always try to conquer over them and control them, too - and control Spirit and Oter. And every Mater tries to control all other Maters, too.
They destroyed parts of the Spirit rules, places, history and NPCs.

Since then Oter exist with different part-spirit or destorted rules arosen from the attemts to restore them without angels and the Gods knowledge or support. From Oter arose many other races and still are arising.

Mystic characters arose in all races when the Gods and angels appeared again to restore the destroid parts. Mystic can contact the Gods and angels. In every race except Mater Mystic characters can be developed by learning from the masters. Mater can learn Mystic only if they choose to become part of another race, still they will keep their body and race characteristics and have to declare it in the hall of history.

3 - Places

Mater, Spirit and Other have all different locations with mountains, hills, valleys, villages, cities, public gardens, forests, houses in other races locations etc. They have to share some roads, beaches, rivers, oceans etc.

4 - History


5 - NPCs

Races have their own lands and places in other lands - and NPCs - History tells all about it

6 - Vehicles, Tools & Money

Races have their own lands and places in other lands - and NPCs

7 - Game Rules & Facilities



• Everyone should have an essence of what he would advice to others - Fri 2015-1-9 London 15:20
Spirituality and religions are cause for quarrel and fight - analysis and how to avoid that - Sat, 2015-1-10 London 16:00
• Game NPCs (Beethoven Jesus etc.) can leave their time and move to other ages/eras/epochs, change their behavior - 2015-1-12 London 19:45
• Create list of sad things in life - 2015-1-12 London 19:52
Get praise, smile, applause, money, gifts, service, follower, partner, hug, kiss, sex, children, messages, advice etc. - lose ... 2015-1-12 London 20:19
• Game can start at different locations: Paradise, Earth, Hell, Space, Wega etc. - 2015-1-14 London 19:00
Rise to the Gods - understand the simultaneous mistakes - solve them and rise without mistakes - London 2015-1-15 21:10
• All attracting ideas of the world as manifestations of lu - Sat 2015-1-17 London 17:54
• Everybody always does a business - understand this deeply :-) - Are there exceptions? - 2015-1-19 London 19:54
• Let's take the religious stories as possible fairy tales - and let's take the fairy tales as possible true stories - Fri 2015-1-23 London 3:22
• God or not God - In this world as in paradise there have to be the choice for both point of view or "realities" - here is the world of the main choice "not God", as paradise is the world of the main choice God - To understand paradise it is like understanding JS or similar stuff which takes time to understand - if the chice is "not God" as it is mostly in this world, the fact that understanding God in this world takes some time and concentration is taken as a fact why there is "no God" - take your time for God as you should do for all valuable things like education, child care, relationship, love, science, profession etc.
• We should learn from our mistakes - collect the lessons of life and train yourself how to avoid or eliminate your mistakes and misbehaviors
• We are what we associate with - therefore we always can change completely if we want so :-) - 2015-1-29 London 13:17 • We should be real heroes and educate our children so that they can be real heroes, too ♡ - 13:26

To Do

card/business card


Gabriel Hassani Meeting 3 - Mon, 2015-1-12, London 16:2516:55 - Spielt mit Weltkugel Duft Lampe an aus Spiegel - reden über was kann man lernen um erwachsen zu werden
Sprachen: Deutsch Englisch
Geschichten schreiben
Musik komponieren, Lieder/Songs, DJ, Instrument Klavier Gitarre Schlagzeug Gesang etc.
Malen, Design
Figuren bauen aus Hoz, Stein
Computer schreiben

Gabriel Hassani Meeting 1 - Sun, 2014-12-28, London 10:05-11:25=1:20

Will Plastik-Hubschrauber ab 3 Jahre - von Tesco - Mac games rapt.js + SOS Kindergarten + Taucher
New MacBook test battery 3:00-7:05 100%-6% - 7:05- charge 6%-100% 2015-1-23 London


Session 2 - Sat, 2015-1-3, London 9:15-10:40=1:25 Races & Rules, Places, History, NPCs, Vehicles, Tools & Money, Game Rules & Facilities = 1:25+1:00 = 2:25 total time

Session 1 - Sun, 2014-12-28, London 7:45-8:45=1:00 Start game, Intro, Creation = 1:00 total time

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