

The Art of Assembly Language

The Art of Assembly Language - 2nd Edition - Randall Hyde, born 1956 - © 25.3.2010 by No Starch Press - 760 pages - Webster


Chapter 1: Hello, World of Assembly Lang - 1
Chapter 2: Data Representation - 53
Chapter 3: Memory Access and Organization - 111
Chapter 4: Constants, Variables, and Data Types - 155
Chapter 5: Procedures and Units - 255
Chapter 6: Arithmetic - 351
Chapter 7: Low-Level Control Structures - 413
Chapter 8: Advanced Arithmeti - 477
Chapter 9: Macros and the HLA Compile-Time Language - 551
Chapter 10: Bit Manipulation - 599
Chapter 11: The String Instructions - 633
Chapter 12: Classes and Objects - 651
Appendix: ASCII Character Set - 701
Index - 705

Ch 1 - Hello, World of Assembly Language

p1 - Chapter is quick-start writing basic assembly programs as rapidly as possible - ...
program helloWorld;
#include( "stdlib.hhf" );

begin helloWorld;

     stdout.put( "Hello, World of Assembly Language", nl );

end helloWorld;

1.2 Running Your First HLA Program

p4 - Download HLA for Mac OSX and follow instruction - 1) HLA Download Mac 2) HLA Source Code Mac 3) HLA StdlibSource Code Mac 4) HLA Example Source Code - downloaded :-)
Write Hello World as ASCII file with Text Wrangler - ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a character-encoding scheme
Use Gas (GNU's as assembler) - link the object code output using a linker program such as the GNU ld linker - use HLA Standard Library (hlalib.a) - use the BASH command-line shell program - the terminal window, by default, does not run the BASH shell command interpreter - run BASH by typing “bash” at the command-line prompt when you open up a terminal window - read more at Webster

Assembly Language Step by Step

Assembly Language Step by Step - 3rd Edition - Jeff Duntemann -


What is the best way to learn Assembly? - stackoverflow
Writing and learning assembly on a Mac - stackoverflow
Where should I start learning Assembly?
Assembly language programming under OS X with NASM - Christopher Swenson - TW 0.3K
Assembly Language Programming under Mac OS X -
IA-32 ASSEMBLY ON MAC OS X - Fabien Sanglard TW 3.7K
UoP - University of the People - tuition free - Computer Science - TW 4.8K

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