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1 - JavaScript Guide

Quick Table of Contents

1 JavaScript Guide
2 About this Guide
3 JavaScript Overview
4 Values, variables, and literals
5 Expressions and operators
6 Regular Expressions
7 Statements (Control Flow)
8 Functions
9 Working with objects
10 Predefined Core Objects
11 Details of the object model
12 Inheritance revisited
13 Closures
14 Sameness in JavaScript

2 - About this Guide

Should know already general understanding of Internet and www - good working knowledge of HTML - some programming experience, or go JS Tutorials - find infos on this Guide or JS Reference - Tips for Learning JS: need only browser - for some features here need Firefox - two tools useful: Web Console and Scratchpad
JS Guide uses uniform resource locators (URLs) like this:
In these URLs, server represents the name of the server on which you run your application, such as research1 or www; domain represents your Internet domain name, such as or; path represents the directory structure on the server; and file.html represents an individual file name. In general, items in italics in URLs are placeholders and items in normal monospace font are literals. If your server has Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) enabled, you would use https instead of http in the URL --- monospace font is used for sample code and code listings, API and language elements (such as method names and property names), file names, path names, directory names, HTML tags, and any text that must be typed on the screen - (monospace italic font is used for placeholders embedded in code.) - italic type is used for book titles, emphasis, variables and placeholders, and words used in the literal sense - boldface type is used for glossary terms

3 - JavaScript Overview

Chapter introduces JavaScript and discusses some of its fundamental concepts - ... JS and Java ... ECMAScript 262 - Edition 5.1 ... (June 2011) ... ECMAScript specification uses terminology and syntax that may be unfamiliar to a JavaScript programmer - examples ...

4 - Values, variables, and literals

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