PHP Workshop


Current Working Area
Programming PHP

Research & Links

Web Design Workshop - HTML5 CSS3 JS - JavaScript Workshop - JavaScript & jQuery - PHP & MySQL - Graphics Workshop - Game Creations - Film & Music Production - Charity

IDL Webdesign
PHP Testing Site

PHP - Wikipedia -
PHP Manual English php_manual_en.html (Single HTML file) - php-chunked-xhtml (Many HTML files)
Rasmus Lerdorf - Wikipedia - RL (born 22 November 1968) Greenlandic programmer with Canadian citizenship - created the PHP scripting language - TW 29.4K
Brendan Eich - Wikipedia - - created JavaScript - CEO of Mozilla Firefox - TW 30.8K
Bjarne Stroustrup - Wikipedia - created C++ - TW 5.2K
Computing Conversations: Rasmus Lerdorf Interview on Creating PHP - Rasmus Lerdorf On PHP - YouTube
How long does it take to learn basic PHP?
Apache HTTP Server - Wikipedia -
AMP - Wikipedia
Server-side scripting - Wikipedia
Content management system (CMS) - List of content management systems - Wikipedia
Common Gateway Interface - CGI - Wikipedia
PHP Pocket Reference - 2nd Edition - Rasmus Lerdorf
Learning JavaScript from PHP - a Comparison
Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & CSS - Web Developers Cookbook - Robin Nixon -

* * * * * * * * * * * *

readwrite - TW 1.38M
Smashing Magazine - TW 774K - TW 688K
Erik Spiekermann - TW 285K
Abduzeedo - TW 222K - Twitter 116K
A List Apart - TW 95.3K
Christoph Spooner - TW 78.4K - Twitter 50.8K -
WebDesignDev - TW 46.3K - Twitter 14.6K
PHP VS Javascript? Which is better? - - Twitter 13.7K - Twitter 9.6K - Twitter 5.6K

15 Interesting Twitter Accounts for Web Designers to Follow
10 Twitter accounts every web designer should follow
17 Twitter Accounts A Web Designer Must Follow
102 Respected Designers You Should Follow On Twitter -

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Harvard University Cambridge (next to Boston), MA, USA - Web Development Summer 2012 - David J. Malan - 0 Building Dynamic Websites - 1 PHP1 - 2 PHP2 - 3 MVC XML - 4 SQL1 - 5 SQL2 - 6 JavaScript - 7 AJAX - 8 Secutity - 9 Scalability - YouTube - - TW 5.6K

The Best Way to Learn PHP

Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing -

Designing with Web Standards (3rd Edition) - Jeffrey Zeldman (Author), Ethan Marcotte (Author)
Taking Your Talent to the Web - A Guide for the Transitioning Designer - - Jeffrey Zeldman - Wikipedia - About Jeffrey Zeldman - TW 325K -

PHP Usage Stats for January 2013
Usage of server-side programming languages for websites - W3Techs
Comparison of server-side JavaScript solutions - Node.js - Wikipedia

PhpStorm - Twitter 16K

Install and configure Apache, PHP and MySQL on Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion


Get Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin working on OSX 10.9 Mavericks
Setting up PHP & MySQL on OS X Mavericks
Setup local web server with Apache and PHP on MacOS X Mavericks - Ole Michelsen
Installing phpMyAdmin on Mac OSX 10.9 Mavericks
Mac OS X Apache MySQL PHP PhpMyAdmin Set Up

Apache PHP MySQL SSL Installation

This line is written using HTML.

     <<< And this line should be written using PHP (watch it via page source) - but the file must end with .php not .html :-) - Try it now at our new PHP Testing Site and then let's learn it all together with us now :-)

♡ Welcome to our PHP Workshop ♡ :-)

Feroniba Ramin Hassani - 2014-3-29 20:18 Berlin - Germany :-)
Mac Developer Library - Shell Scripting Primer Terminal - Terminal - Wikipedia -

cd ~ (change directory) - user's home folder - write ~ option n
cd / - root directory pwd (print working directory) - shows path to actual folder
ls (list directory contents) - shows content of folder
clear - makes Terminal show your line as the only one
history - shows mumbered history of all entries
history -c - clears history

/etc/hosts - shows: Permission denied - unable to edit hosts file in terminal
Google Chrome could not connect to localhost - Chrome delete cookies didn't help
Installing Apache, PHP, and MySQL on Mac OS X Mavericks
/etc/apache2/httpd.conf - answers: -sh: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: Permission denied
pico /etc/hosts - opens file

How to Open a PHP File


sudo apachectl start
sudo apachectl restart
sudo apachectl stop

localhost - <<< Apache writes: It works!

If localhost is not working, do
ln -s ~/Dropbox/website/php_testing_site.php ~/Sites/php_testing_site.php
chmod a+rx ~/Dropbox/website

localhost/~Feroniba/phpinfo.php -  <<< PHP works on localhost

If localhost is not working, do: sudo apachectl -t

MySQL - works >>> see System Preferences > MySQL > The MySQL server instance is working MySQL version
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -v
Password 0000

localhost/~Feroniba/phpmyadmin -  <<< phpMyAdmin works on localhost
username: root - password: 0000

SSL - Secure Sockets Layer - Transport Layer Security - Wikipedia Mac OS X SSL Certificate Installation
Mavericks Server Part 7: SSL Certificates - YouTube
For SSL change httpd.conf - find file > Finder Window > cmd+shift+G opens Go to the folder: enter /etc/apache2 (this starts with pribate/ - so better /etc/ finds another etc > apache2 - both httpd.conf files are the same files, seems :-) > httpd.conf - open file in editor - go to line ca. 490:
# Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf (# Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-ssl.conf) change to:
Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf (Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-ssl.conf)    <<< Don't do that - it stops working! Apache etc. will not work anymore!
Line 217 shoud be: Allow Override All - (instead of None - if it is None change it to All)
For more changes go Apache documentation

Then stop and start the local Apache server (why not restart?):
# /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl stop
# /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start

Test if it works:
Connect to the server with a web browser and select the https protocol, like this: ... maybe ... - (
Try your server’s IP address also, like this: - or
If it worked, the server will send the certificate to the browser to establish a secure connection.This makes the browser prompt you to accept the self-signed certificate.

To use PHP modules you installed as shared objects, you need to complete a few more steps.
First, copy the module you have built to the PHP extensions directory, which is probably
Then add the following line to your php.ini file: extension =
You will need to restart Apache after making changes to php.ini.

Install PEAR (PHP Extension and Application Repository) - PECL (PHP Extension Community Library) and other ...


<<< Current Working Area


More coming soon :-)

PHP Workshop

• Learn HTML CSS - prove it - Web Design Workshop
• Install Apache PHP MySQL - test it
• Write a HTML form - connect it to a PHP file - prove it
echo '<p>♡ Hello World! Welcome to our PHP Workshop ♡</p>';
• Work out the Basics etc.

Good luck :-)

Testing Area



Hamsterrad - Man muss aussteigen aus seinen kleinen eigenen Gewohnheits-Kreisen


abbreviate - abkürzen, verkürzen, kürzen
arbitrary - beliebig, frei wählbar ...
concatenate - verbinden, verketten, verknüpfen, aneinanderhängen ...
convenient - geeignet, praktisch ...
evaluate - auswerten, berechnen, beurteilen ...
gibberish - Gequassel, Kauderwelsch, kaudern
indented - eingerückt
overall value - Gesamtwert
precedence - Priorität, Rangordnung, Vortritt etc.
preciding - vorangehend, vorausgehend, vorhergehend, vorstehend - in the last perceding paragraph - im letzten Absatz
take precedence over - Vorrang haben
refer - bezeihen auf, zuschreiben, nennen, berichten, auf etwas anspielen
resemble - gleichen, ähnlich sein ...
retrieve - abfragen ...
struck - angeschlagen ... erschlagen
token - Zeichen, Merkmal, Anzeichen, Kürzel, Bon, Spielmarke, Spielstein ...
typo - Schreibfehler, Druckfehler
unintelligible - unverständlich, unfasslich
unprecedented - beispiellos, unerhört, noch nie dagewesen
verbose - wortreich

PQ - PHP MySQL Web Development
WW - Webdesign Workshop

Building a drag-drop shopping cart
10 jQuery Shopping Cart Plugins


2014-4-1, 16:50 Bln - VE FO - AN Grafik Präs. fertig mit fremden Bildern ok + gute Texte oder Buch Seitenbeispiele FO hilft englisch - VE GO FI Kinder HH Charity PS O - FO WD dann parallel: PHP MySQL 2 Wo - JS iQuery 1 Wo - HTML5 CSS3 1 Wo - = 4 Wochen +/- 1 Wo Puffer - abzügl. TS eV PD IDL eG O Coaching PS P Kinder WD Aufträge oder Jobs etc. - Tag = 16 Arbeitsstunden Wo = 7 Tage - WD + Grafik Aufträge können ab sofort auf IDL Webdesign Grundlage angenommen und ausgeführt werden je nach Einschränkung mit Absagen oder Aufschieben Warten oder Delegation - AD sollte durch VE AN TO JU KI getätigt werden solange vorübergehend bis FO übernimmt

Haus Berlin
1 - 99T - 300/1.406 qm - 6 Zi - Bezug sofort - Wernsdorfer Str. 44, 12527 Berlin (Schmöckwitz)
2 - 125T - 400/1.319 qm - 12524 Berlin-Treptow-Köpenick OT Altglienicke (Bohnsdorf)
3 - 180T - 201/962 qm - 8 Zi - 12526 Berlin (Bohnsdorf)
4 - 185T - 200/760 qm - 5 Zi - 12526 Berlin (Bohnsdorf)
5 - 163T - 163/622 qm - 5 Zi - 12355 Berlin (Rudow)
6 - 152T - 152/791 qm - Oberspreestraße 97, 12489 Berlin (Adlershof)
7 - 180T - 201/962 qm - 8 Zi - 12526 Berlin

Berlin bis 2.3 Mio €

8 - 1.99M - 588/1.677 qm - 8 Zi -


Session 12 - Wed, 2014-4-9, Bln, 9:25-10:00=0:35 - 16:10-19:00=2:50 PQ LR p64 - 21:15-3:00=5:45 LR ♡ = 0:35+2:50+5:45 = 9:10 total time

Session 11 - Tue, 2014-4-8, Bln, 6:40-10:00=3:20 - 10:30-11:00=0:30 - 15:25-16:00=0:35 - 17:15-19:55=2:40 - 20:40-22:05=1:25 - 22:35-0:25=1:50 PP (Programming PHP) R LR WR HP + Examples u.a. Bücher ♡ = 3:20+0:30+0:35+2:40+1:25+1:50 = 10:20 total time

Session 10 - Mon, 2014-4-7, Bln, 10:10-13:45=3:35 PHP p39

Session 9 - Sun, 2014-4-6, Bln, 14:20-14:55=0:35 PQ p29 - 15:55-17:10=1:15 - 19:00-19:45=0:45 - 20:05-0:10=4:05 p34-36 = 0:35+1:15+0:45+4:05 = 6:40 total time

Session 8 - Sat, 2014-4-5, Bln, 18:25-19:40 PQ p28 - (11:30-13:20 + 15:15-16:30 u.a. + 19:40-5:20 PS + PD SI + Kinder) = 1:15 total time

Session 7 - Fri, 2014-4-4, Bln, 5:05-6:00=0:55 Editor compare + check Text Wrangler - Sublime - Komodo etc. - 6:00-7:40=1:40 WR Sessions time :-) - 23:00- 0:15=1:15 PQ p27 = 0:55+1:40+1:15 = 3:50 total time

Session 6 - Thu, 2014-4-3, Berlin, 6:00-7:35=1:35 p24, 12:00-13:30=1:30 p25 (GA Operation) - 16:05-16:40=0:35 processorder1.php - 19:30-23:25=3:55 orderform1.html works :-) - 23:25-23:55=0:30 = 1:35+1:30+0:35+3:55+0:30 = 8:05 total time

Session 5 - Wed, 2014-4-2, Bln, 2:35-6:00=3:25 WD LR - Mac Localhost zeigt nicht mehr an ... :-(( Recherche IN - 11:55-12:10=0:15 VE RP - 13:15-13:55=0:40 Localhost repair :-) Fehler: SSL install - undo :-) 13:55-17:35=3:40 PQ LR p20 ♡ - 18:55-21:10=2:15 LR PQ - 21:35-22:40=1:05 PQ LR p28 - 23:05-0:15=1:10 PQ Ges. Buch R + check = 3:25+0:15+0:40+3:40+2:15+1:05+1:10 = 12:30 total time

Session 4 - Tue, 2014-4-1, Bln, 15:15-17:00=1:45 VE Plan FO 1 Wo HTML CSS - 1 Wo JavaScript iQuery - 2 Wo PHP MySQL - Tag = 16 Arbeitsstunden WD - Wo = 7 Tage :-) ♡ - also 4 Wo +/- 1 Wo Puffer (HTML CSS Abzug, kann auch nebenher gemacht werden - oder sonst. Abzüge wenn schneller LR :-) - 18:00-18:25_0:25 RP AN - 18:25-20:20=1:55 PQ (= PHP and MySQL Web Development :-) Ch 1 = 1:45+0:25+1:55 = 4:05 total time

Session 3 - Mon, 2014-3-31, Bln, 12:05-13:30=1:25 RP VE AN PHP INstall etc. - 13:30-17:10=3:40 Install SSL failed - IN WD books + personalities - 17:30-20:25=2:55 PHP books R - 21:25-2:55=5:30 PHP & MySQL WR LR Introduction + Ch 1 Start ♡ - 2:55-7:00=4:05 HR YT Luke + Laura about PHP and MySQL ♡ - JSQ WR - Sites WD TW Top + YT WD Harvard Course ♡ - 7:00-7:40=0:40 RP VE AN = 1:25+3:40+2:55+5:30+4:05+0:40 = 17:55 total time

Session 2 - Sun, 2014-3-30, Bln, 12:00-13:10=1:10 VE RP Computersprachen Entscheidung PHP LR - 13:20-14:05=0:45 RP AN - 14:05-15:30=1:25 R PHP and MySQL Web Development ♡ - 17:40-18:20=0:40 RP VE AN - 18:20-19:00=0:40 Install Apache ♡ - 20:10-3:40=7:30 Install PHP + MySQL ♡ = 1:10+0:45+1:25+0:40+0:40+7:30 = 12:10 total time

Session 1 - Sat, 2014-3-29, Berlin, 9:15-11:00=1:45 LR JavaScript & jQuery Ch. 2 ♡ - 13:15-15:00=1:45 JSQ LR AJAX AMP etc. - 15:00-17:40=2:40 p351 Need to LR PHP - Wikipedia & books research - 17:40-20:40=3:00 Rasmus Lerdorf On PHP - YT - PHP Testing Site online ♡ - 20:40-23:30=2:50 Demo PHP VE AN + R PHP books ♡ - 2:00-5:30=3:30 Best Webdesign IN WR HP + Sublime Editor = 1:45+1:45+2:40+3:00+2:50+3:30 = 15:30 total time

Feroniba Ramin Hassani - IDL eG

More coming soon :-)

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