JavaScript • CoffeeScript • Ruby • Assembly • Bash/Shell
js ruby comparison - GitHub -
Ruby coding style guide - GitHub
Node.js vs Ruby on Rails - Will Nathan - - RailsGuides
Current Working Area
A list of programming languages that are actively developed on GitHub - - Github is the largest code host in the world, with 3.4 million users - How to go about making your own programming language? stackoverflow - - - Learn C and build your own programming language in 1000 lines of code! -
Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours - WikiHow
How do I create my own programming language and a compiler for it - stackexchange - Let's Build a Compiler, by Jack Crenshaw
Tutorial: Metacompilers Part 1 - James M. Neighbors 2008 -
META II a syntax-oriented compiler writing language by D. V. Schorre
From NAND to Tetris - Building a Modern Computer From First Principles -
From Nand to Tetris In 12 Steps - Prof. Shimon Shocken YT - -
The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles – June 1, 2005 by Noam Nisan and Shimon Schocken - Amazon
LLVM Compiler Infrastructure - Tutorial
orangeduck/BuildYourOwnLisp - GitHub
Make Your Own Programming Language - Hacker News
DIY: Make Your Own Programming Language - 03 Jan 2015 - Mattias Appelgren
how to start writing a very simple programming language -
Creating your own language -
Learning to write a compiler - stackoverflow - The Design of an Operating System and Compiler
(Ruby, Io, Prolog, Scala, Erlang, Clojure and Haskell) by Bruce A. Tate WP - Copyright © October 18, 2010 Pragmatic Programmers, LLC - TW 0.5K - - Erlang User Conference - Bruce Tate - FEAR. The Drivers of Language Evolution YT: Old languages emerge and new languages are born when big things happen, and big things are happening now. I'll look at some of the biggest challenges facing programming evolution, and their likely impacts on programming.
Elixir and Erlang have a prominent role, but also there are interesting things happening in the browser and a pendulum shift toward better type models. - Bruce A. Tate: Books on Amazon - Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks: Languages That Are Shaping the Future (Lua, Factor, Elixir, Elm, Julia, miniKadren, and Idris)
p9 - Dedication - This book is dedicated with love to Lynda Lyle Tate, 1936–2010
Language Implementation Patterns: Create Your Own Domain-Specific (DSLs) and General Programming Languages - Terence Parr - Copyright © December 2009 Terence Parr - The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC - Terence Parr is the maniac behind ANTLR and has been working on language tools since 1989. He is a professor of computer science at the University of San Francisco -
TW 1.8K
p15 - if want to learn how to implement computer languages - no background in formal language theory needed, but the code and discussions in this book assume a solid programming background - should be fairly comfortable with recursion
p20 - first will learn how to recognize computer languages (language is just a set of valid sentences) - every language we look at has parser (recognizer) component if not language pure code generator - get an architectural overview and then tour the patterns at our disposal - finally, we’ll look at the guts of some sample language applications to see how they work and how they use patterns
Pipeline: input >> {[(Reader (recognize and build IR >>)) IR >> (Interpreter (Semantic analyzer collect info, annotate IR, rewrite IR, or execute >>))] IR >> ((Generator (generate >>)) >> } ourput
Programming Language Pragmatics 3rd Edition - Michael L. Scott - professor and past chair of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Rochester - received his Ph.D. in computer sciences in 1985 from the University of Wisconsin–Madison
PLP CD Content on a Companion Web Site - All content originally included on a CD is now available at this book’s companion web site. Please visit the URL: and click on “Companion Site”
a = {}; //> Object {} --- typeof a //> "object" --- var b = {}; typeof b; //> "object" = 1;; //> 1 --- b['one']; //> 1 --- b['two'] = 2; b['two']; //> 2 --- b.two; //> 2 --- b.three; //> undefined = "Feroniba"; b.sayName = function(){return;}; b.sayName; //> "Feroniba"
How Browsers Work: Behind the scenes of modern web browsers - August 5th, 2011 - Tali Garsiel and Paul Irish - TW 150K
aggregation - Ansammlung, Anhäufung, Verdichtung, Gesamtsumme, Aggregat, Aggregation, Vereinigung, Zusammenfassung - ch1
hence - daher, deswegen, folglich, demzufolge, infolgedessen ab jetzt ... ch2
implementation - Umsetzung, Ausführung, Anwendung, das Implementieren, Inkraftsetzung, Durchführung ...- ch1
indispensable - unabdingbar, unerlässlich, unumgänglich, lebensnotwendig ... - ch1
instance - ch1
leverage - zum Durchbruch verhelfen, wirksam einsetzen ... - ch1
parentheses - Klammern
plrthora - Unmenge, Vielfalt, Überfluss ... - ch1
property - Eigenschaft, Merkmal ... - properties - Verhalten, Bestandteile, Wirkung, Wirksamkeit ... - ch1
notion - Idee ... - ch1
tweak - optimieren, zwicken - ch1
<span> - spanned text (small) --- <div> - division (large)
- non-breaking space
HTML 5: Is it <br> <br/> or <br />? - stackoverflow
key bindings: Meta = command key
shift+command +space =   (non-breaking space)
+0 = col orange
--- +2 = duplicate file
--- +3 = screenshot (Mac)
--- +6 = view EOL markers
--- +7 = search
+8 = col red
+9 = col light_blue
+a = <a href> URL link
+c = id="c"
+d = day session
+h = <h3> heading
+i = <img> image
+j = <script>
+k = <kbd> keyboard monospace
+o = ♡
+p = <p> paragraph
+s = save as
+x = typeof
+> = //> command >
shift + return = <br/> break
command + < = jump to
Shift + command at a color code or name = shows color in Komodo :-)
Chrome command + alt/option + j = JS Console
- --- ß
ß - ...
: - Ö
; - ö
< - ;
> - :
+ --- `
? - _
_ --- ?
' - ä
" - Ä
[ - option/alt 5
] - option/alt 6
Google Chrome Developer Tools - JavaScript Console refresh: window.location.reload(true);
Basic Shell Commands - Jeremy Sanders - October 2011
An A-Z Index of the Bash command line for Linux
cd - home directory (change directory)
cd folder-name - change directory to folder
cd dir1/dir2/dir3... - change directory to folder
eject - eject removable media
exit - exit the shell
pwd - show working directory
date - shows current day, date and time GMT
# - comment
mkdir folder-name - make a directory (folder)
rmdir folder-name - remove a directory (file)
rm file-name - remove file
ls folder-name - shows list of files or folders
process.exit() - exit / quit
control + c - exit / quit --- press twice!
dc - desc calculator --- works with postfix notation; rather like many HP Calculators - basic arithmetic uses the standard + - / * symbols, but entered after the digits - so entering: 100 0.5 * p will return 50 --- q - quit
echo "something" - shell output: something
echo something - something
echo 5 + 4 --- 5 + 4
echo $PATH - shows path
nano - simple text editor, exit with command + x (^X), save etc.
bzip2 - compress or decompress named file(s)
cal - display a calendar
clear - clear terminal screen
rename - rename files
sudo - sxecute a command as another user
uname - print system information --- Darwin
whoami - print user-name
which - search the user's $path for a program file
who - print all user-names
### - comment / remark
What's the difference between the terms “Shell” and “Bash”? - The original Unix shell was the Bourne shell, sh, written by Stephen Bourne at Bell Labs. Then came the C shell, written by Bill Joy at Berkeley, since updated as tcsh. Other shells include the Korn shell, ksh, written by David Korn, also at Bell Labs, and bash, the "Bourne again shell", written by Brian Fox for the GNU project as a free replacement for sh.
List of Bash online-tutorials
Unix shell WP -
Bash (Unix shell) WP - BashGuide
|-7| = 7 // absolute of -7
Computer Programming
rect(10, 20, 30, 40); // (x-to-right, y-down, x-wide-to-right, y-tall-down) in pixels
ellipse(x, y, w, h); // x y from circle/midpoint, w-width-left-right, h-hight-up-dowm)
line(x1, y1, x2, y2); // (x1-first-point, y1-first-point, x2-second-point, y2-second-point,)
stroke - fill -
1/1 - one whole
7/8 - seven over eight, seven out of eight, seven eighth
altitude - Höhenlage, Höhe ...
numerator - Zähler
perimeter - Umfangslänge
denominator - Nenner
elevation - Bodenerhebung
gravel - Kies
scope - Bereich, Spielraum, Umfang, Geltungsbereich, Reichweite, Handlungsspielraum, Abgrenzung, Aufgabenbereich, Bandbreite, Betätigungsfeld, Entfaltungsmöglichkeiten, Rahmen, Raum, Regelungsbereich ...
More coming soon :-)))
Session 1 - Sat 2015-2-21 London 5:00- = ? = ? total time
________ Start February 2015 ________