
js ruby comparison - GitHub - Ruby coding style guide - GitHub
Node.js vs Ruby on Rails - Will Nathan - - RailsGuides
Current Working Area

Ruby WP - - Yukihiro Matsumoto WP - a.k.a. Matz, born 14 April 1965 born in Osaka Prefecture, Japan - The Ruby Programming Language by Yukihiro Matsumoto Jun 12, 2000 - GitHub - TW 34.4K - TW English Translation 1.9K - I'm a Mormon, Ruby Author, and a World-changer YT

What are the best methods (and books) to learn Ruby?
why's (poignant) Guide to Ruby - WP - why the lucky stiff presents at RailsConf 2006 YT - _why documentary trailer for RubyConf YT - - A living archive of _why's Executable Poetry - After Disappearing For More Than 3 Years, Why The Lucky Stiff Returns To The Internet - - About (Jonathan Gillette) - _why's Markaby - Markaby (Markup as Ruby)

6 Best Books for Learning or Advancing your Ruby Knowledge - Beginning Ruby by Peter Cooper - Well Grounded Rubyist by David A. Black - Programming Ruby 1.9: The Pragmatic Programmers’ Guide (Facets of Ruby) - Eloquent Ruby (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series) - Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example by Michael Hartl - Rails 3 Way by Obie Fernandez
How long will it take a coder to learn ruby? - stackoverflow
How do I view a .rb (Ruby) file? - stackoverflow

Running Ruby Scripts - name.rb
#!/usr/bin/env ruby

print "What is your name? "
name = gets.chomp
puts "Hello #{name}!"

Terminal: cd sites/games/ruby --- ruby name.ruby --- Terminal: What is your name? --- ... (enter name) #> Hello ... (name)!
Or Terminal: ruby --- (enter Ruby code) --- quit: control c

Ruby in Twenty Minutes - Terminal: irb --- (irb = Interactive Ruby Shell) - (enter Ruby, calculator etc.) --- quit: exit
Ruby for Newbies: Installing Ruby and Getting Started
Upgrade Ruby version on Mac - $ brew install ruby - before: ruby -v # ruby 2.0.0p481 - after: running same version 2.0.0 :-( - try again, says: version 2.2.0 already installed --- rvm --default 2.2.0 #> -bash: rvm: command not found - install rvm and latest stable version of ruby: \curl -L | bash -s stable --ruby ----- Terminal: * To start using RVM you need to run `source /Users/Feroniba/.rvm/scripts/rvm`
in all your open shell windows, in rare cases you need to reopen all shell windows. --- did it --- still ruby 2.2.0 --- Install the Ruby interpreter: rvm install 2.1.0 --autolibs=enable - Upgrading Ruby to 2.1.0 (and above) in Mavericks - rvm -v #> rvm 1.26.10 (latest) ----- source /Users/{Feroniba}/.rvm/scripts/rvm --- didn't work --- rvm 2.2.0 --- ruby -v #> ruby 2.2.0p0 (2014-12-25 revision 49005) --- worked :-)

Ruby in Twenty Minutes

Ruby in Twenty Minutes - Terminal: irb --- (irb = Interactive Ruby) - (enter Ruby, calculator etc.) --- quit: (control + D) --- quit --- exit


p1 - Complete book (just 4 short website pages) can be done in 20 minutes - but before starting first install Ruby - open Ruby via Terminal: irb (interactive Ruby) - close: exit
"Hello World" => "Hello World" - second line just tells that result of last expression is evaluated - this isn't yet the official "Hello World!"
puts "Hello World" #> Hello World => nil --- puts is the basic command to print something out in Ruby --- => nil is the result of the expression - puts always returns nil, which is Ruby’s absolutely-positively-nothing value

Your Free Calculator is Here

3+2 => 5 --- 3*2 => 6 --- 3**2 => 9 --- Math.sqrt(9) => 3.0

Modules Group Code by Topic

Math is built-in module for mathematics - modules serve two roles in Ruby, one is grouping similar methods together under a familiar name - Math also contains methods like sin() and tan() - dot (.) is how you identify the receiver of a message - in this case sqrt(9), means call the method sqrt, shorthand for ““square root” with the parameter of 9
a = 3 ** 2 => 9 --- b = 4 ** 2 => 16 --- Math.sqrt(a+b) => 5.0
result of this method call is value 3.0 - because most of the time the square root of a number won’t be an integer, method always returns a floating-point number - if we want to remember the result of some of this math, we assign the result to a variable:
a = 3 ** 2 => 9 --- b = 4 ** 2 => 16 --- Math.sqrt(a+b) => 5.0
Now back to "Hello World!":
p2 -

Pickaxe Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0 - The Pragmatic Programmers' Guide 4th Edition - Dave Thomas WP (& Chad Fowler & Andy Hunt) - Copyright © June 2013 The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC - computer science at Imperial College London - - TW 20.6K - Interview YT - The Ruby Object Model - Simula, Smalltalk invented the term oo, Lisp etc. - 8:25 Inheritance work of devil, don't use it - Ruby is a true oo language - 12:00 self is center of Ruby - self changes when we call a method or define a class or module - k Elixir: The Power of Erlang, the Joy of Ruby YT - Elixir runs on top of Erlang - nnnnnnnnnnnnc Elixir WP - - TW 4.5K - José Valim Kraków, Poland - TW 17K - - Erlang WP - start functional programming, and concurrent programming, this is the future - Elixir Conf 2014 - Keynote: Elixir by José Valim YT - Austin Texas, July 25-26 2014
Good Math - Mark C. Chu-Carroll - - - TW 1.5K - Building Scala Hygienically with Pants

<<< Current Working Area <<<

Learn Ruby the Hard Way

Zed Shaw WP - - GitHub - TW 18.2K - DjangoCon EU 2013: Zed Shaw - The Imaginative Programmer YT -

R Preface - Ex1-3
ex3 - / slash - % remainder or called percent but doesn't work as percent - * asterisk - acronym called PEMDAS, which stands for Parentheses Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction - that's the order Ruby follows as well


a = {}; //> Object {} --- typeof a //> "object" --- var b = {}; typeof b; //> "object" = 1;; //> 1 --- b['one']; //> 1 --- b['two'] = 2; b['two']; //> 2 --- b.two; //> 2 --- b.three; //> undefined = "Feroniba"; b.sayName = function(){return;}; b.sayName; //> "Feroniba"

How Browsers Work: Behind the scenes of modern web browsers - August 5th, 2011 - Tali Garsiel and Paul Irish - TW 150K



aggregation - Ansammlung, Anhäufung, Verdichtung, Gesamtsumme, Aggregat, Aggregation, Vereinigung, Zusammenfassung - ch1
hence - daher, deswegen, folglich, demzufolge, infolgedessen ab jetzt ... ch2
implementation - Umsetzung, Ausführung, Anwendung, das Implementieren, Inkraftsetzung, Durchführung ...- ch1
indispensable - unabdingbar, unerlässlich, unumgänglich, lebensnotwendig ... - ch1
instance - ch1
leverage - zum Durchbruch verhelfen, wirksam einsetzen ... - ch1
parentheses - Klammern
plrthora - Unmenge, Vielfalt, Überfluss ... - ch1
property - Eigenschaft, Merkmal ... - properties - Verhalten, Bestandteile, Wirkung, Wirksamkeit ... - ch1
notion - Idee ... - ch1
tweak - optimieren, zwicken - ch1

<span> - spanned text (small) --- <div> - division (large)
&nbsp; - non-breaking space
HTML 5: Is it <br> <br/> or <br />? - stackoverflow

Komodo Edit - Key Commands (Bindings / Shortcuts)

key bindings: Meta = command key

shift+command +space = &nbsp (non-breaking space)
+0 = col orange
--- +2 = duplicate file
--- +3 = screenshot (Mac)
--- +6 = view EOL markers
--- +7 = search
+8 = col red
+9 = col light_blue
+a = <a href> URL link
+c = id="c"
+d = day session
+h = <h3> heading
+i = <img> image
+j = <script>
+k = <kbd> keyboard monospace
+o = ♡
+p = <p> paragraph
+s = save as
+x = typeof
+> = //> command >
shift + return = <br/> break
command + < = jump to

Shift + command at a color code or name = shows color in Komodo :-)

Chrome command + alt/option + j = JS Console

MacBook Pro Keys English & German

- --- ß
ß - ...
: - Ö
; - ö
< - ;
> - :
+ --- `
? - _
_ --- ?
' - ä
" - Ä
[ - option/alt 5
] - option/alt 6

Google Chrome Developer Tools - JavaScript Console refresh: window.location.reload(true);

Shell commands

Basic Shell Commands - Jeremy Sanders - October 2011
An A-Z Index of the Bash command line for Linux

cd - home directory (change directory)
cd folder-name - change directory to folder
cd dir1/dir2/dir3... - change directory to folder
eject - eject removable media
exit - exit the shell
pwd - show working directory
date - shows current day, date and time GMT
# - comment
mkdir folder-name - make a directory (folder)
rmdir folder-name - remove a directory (file)
rm file-name - remove file
ls folder-name - shows list of files or folders
process.exit() - exit / quit
control + c - exit / quit --- press twice!
dc - desc calculator --- works with postfix notation; rather like many HP Calculators - basic arithmetic uses the standard + - / * symbols, but entered after the digits - so entering: 100 0.5 * p will return 50 --- q - quit
echo "something" - shell output: something
echo something - something
echo 5 + 4 --- 5 + 4
echo $PATH - shows path
nano - simple text editor, exit with command + x (^X), save etc.
bzip2 - compress or decompress named file(s)
cal - display a calendar
clear - clear terminal screen
rename - rename files
sudo - sxecute a command as another user
uname - print system information --- Darwin
whoami - print user-name
which - search the user's $path for a program file
who - print all user-names
### - comment / remark

What's the difference between the terms “Shell” and “Bash”? - The original Unix shell was the Bourne shell, sh, written by Stephen Bourne at Bell Labs. Then came the C shell, written by Bill Joy at Berkeley, since updated as tcsh. Other shells include the Korn shell, ksh, written by David Korn, also at Bell Labs, and bash, the "Bourne again shell", written by Brian Fox for the GNU project as a free replacement for sh.
List of Bash online-tutorials
Unix shell WP - Bash (Unix shell) WP - BashGuide


Khan Academy


|-7| = 7 // absolute of -7

Computer Programming

rect(10, 20, 30, 40); // (x-to-right, y-down, x-wide-to-right, y-tall-down) in pixels
ellipse(x, y, w, h); // x y from circle/midpoint, w-width-left-right, h-hight-up-dowm)
line(x1, y1, x2, y2); // (x1-first-point, y1-first-point, x2-second-point, y2-second-point,)
stroke - fill -


1/1 - one whole
7/8 - seven over eight, seven out of eight, seven eighth
altitude - Höhenlage, Höhe ...
numerator - Zähler
perimeter - Umfangslänge
denominator - Nenner
elevation - Bodenerhebung
gravel - Kies


scope - Bereich, Spielraum, Umfang, Geltungsbereich, Reichweite, Handlungsspielraum, Abgrenzung, Aufgabenbereich, Bandbreite, Betätigungsfeld, Entfaltungsmöglichkeiten, Rahmen, Raum, Regelungsbereich ...



What is italki? - The Best Place to Find an Online Language YT
Go (programming language) WP - - Ken Thompson, Rob Pike, Robert Griesemer, Google Inc. - 2009 - filename.go - Google I/O 2012 - Meet the Go Team YT - Google I/O 2012 - Go Concurrency Patterns - Rob Pike YT - Why Learn Go? Rob Pike YT
List of programmers

A quick overview of JavaScript - Basic JavaScript for the impatient programmer - Speaking JavaScript: An In-Depth Guide for Programmers - Dr. Axel Rauschmayer - @Mix-IT 2012: Overview of javascript YT - Improving JavaScript YT - JavaScript inheritance: beyond the basics YT - Node.js comes with an interactive command line. You start it by calling the shell command node --- Node was installed at /usr/local/bin/node --- npm was installed at /usr/local/bin/npm --- Make sure that /usr/local/bin is in your $PATH.
A Survey of the JavaScript Programming Language - Douglas Crockford
Javascript in Ten Minutes - Spencer Tipping - -
Daniel Tammet - A Genius Autistic Savant
The Real Rain Man
In the Key of Genius: Derek Paravicini and Adam Ockelford at TEDxWarwick 2013 - FO_TestGame1
Canvassing - learn Canvas

Computer Science

UNIX 1970 Assembly - 1972 C C 1972 C++ 1983 Python 1991 HTML 1993

CSS 1994 PHP 1995 Java 1995 Ruby 1995 JavaScript 1995

CoffeeScript 2009

Computer science - Charles Babbage 26.12.1791 – 18.10.1871 England - Ada Lovelace 10.12.1815 – 27.11.1852 England - Programming language - syntax (form) and semantics (meaning) - the term computer language is sometimes used interchangeably with programming language - 1943 Plankalkül - 1949 Short Code - 1950 Autocode using compiler to convert automatically into machine code - Flow-Matic 1955 - Cobol - Aimaco - Fortran
APL - Algol - Simula and Smalltalk (object-oriented) - C 1969 - Prolog (logical) 1972 - ML and Lisp 1978 - most modern programming languages count at least one of them in their ancestry
1980s consolidation - C++ Ada Pascal Modula2 PL/I
Growth of Internet mid-1990s created new languages - Perl dynamic websites - Java server-side - Microsoft's LINQ - JavaScript 1995
4GL (4th generation programming languages) domain-specific languages - SQL returns sets of data - Perl can hold multiple 4GLs or JavaScript programs
If language can run its commands through an interpreter (such as a Unix shell or other command-line interface), without compiling, it is called a scripting language

Programs can 1) occupy more programmer hours 2) have more code lines 3) utilize more CPU time - difficult to determine most widely used programs: COBOL strong in corporate data center - Fortran in scientific and engineering applications - Ada in aerospace, transportation, military, real-time and embedded applications - and C in embedded applications and operating systems - other languages regularly used for different applications - Combining and averaging information from various internet sites, claims that in 2013 the ten most popular programming languages are (in descending order by overall popularity):
C 1972 by Dennis Ritchie
Java 1995 by James Gosling and Sun Microsystems
PHP 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf
JavaScript 1995 by Brendan Eich
C++ 1983 by Bjarne Stroustrup
Python 1991
Shell 1950s
Ruby 1995
Objective-C 1983 by Apple Inc.
C# 2000 by Microsoft
11-Assembly ( What is int 80h? by G. Adam Stanislav) - 12-SQL 1974 by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce - 13-Perl 1987 by Larry Wall - 19-Actionscript (dialect of ES and JS used for Flash Adobe) - 20-Coldfusion by Adobe, Jeremy Allaire and JJ Allaire - 23-Pascal 1970 by Niklaus Wirth - 25-Scheme 1975 (2nd dialect of Lisp) by Guy L. Steele and Gerald Jay Sussman - 27-Lisp 1958 by Steve Russell, Timothy P. Hart, and Mike Levin - 29-Erlang 1986 by Ericsson - 30-Fortran 1957 by John Backus - 34-Smalltalk 1972 (dev since 1969) by Alan Kay, Dan Ingalls, Adele Goldberg etc. - ...
Comparison of programming languages - Python not a standardized language?
Top 10 Programming Languages - Spectrum’s 2014 Ranking
What Is The Most Valuable Programming Language To Know For The Future And Why? - Forbes

Redhead Talk - G. Adam Stanislav, born 23.4.1950 in Bratislava, Slovakia - - -


Bjarne Stroustrup: The 5 Programming Languages You Need to Know - C++ Java Python Ruby JavaScript C C# - and one of the functional languages - Why I Created C++
Larry Wall, creator of Perl: 5 Programming Languages Everyone Should Know - JavaScript Java Haskell C (Python Ruby) Perl
Ruby Conf 2013 Living in the Fantasy Land by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto - creator of Ruby
Five Best Programming Languages for First-Time Learners -
Are JavaScript and C++ too similar to learn at the same time? -
C - Dennis Ritchie - Dennis M. Ritchie's homepage - Dennis Ritchie's video interview June 2011 - Ken Thompson - Unix - - UNIX Programmer's Manual - Unix First Edition Manuals
Ken Thompson - C Language - Systems Architecture, Design, Engineering, and Verification
30 Most Influential People In Programming
Java - - JVM Java virtual machine - James Gosling - - Oracle Academy
What is a good road map for learning Java? -
10 Ways to Learn Java in just a Couple of Weeks - - Java Puzzles Joshua Bloch
What is the best way to learn Java from scratch and how many hours do I need to put in? -
Top 10 Most Influential Software Programmers - how can i become a good programmer -
Top 10 Java Books you don’t want to miss
How do I learn to code? What language should I start with? -
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - second edition - Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman - Lisp - Scheme
14-Year-Old Prodigy Programmer Dreams In Code - Santiago Gonzalez - - Is Prodigy Programmer The Next Steve Jobs?
Information technology (IT)

Assembly language

What is the best way to learn Assembly? - stackoverflow
Writing and learning assembly on a Mac - stackoverflow
Assembly language programming under OS X with NASM - Christopher Swenson
Assembly Language Programming under Mac OS X -


Brendan Eich - - TW 36.4K
What is the best way to learn JavaScript? - Professional JavaScript for Web Developers - Eloquent JavaScript -
Best resources to learn JavaScript - stackoverflow - Crockford - Ben Nadel about jsg
Douglas Crockford - Lectures on JavaScript
Programming Style and Your Brain - Douglas Crockford YT
Learning JavaScript - my experience and advice - Derek Sivers - -
JavaScript books to take your skills to the next level
What is the fastest way to learn javascript
8 Best JavaScript Books a Front End Programmer / Developer Must Read
10 Books for the Javascript and Node.js learner
Learning to write (good) JavaScript - resources for beginners - JS Web Applications, Alex MacCaw August 2011 + Ben Nadle's article about the book ♡ - TW 10.6K - - TW 15.7K - Alex MacCaw: A JavaScript Web App Deconstructed - JSConf.Asia 2013 YT - Addy Osmani - - TW 89.9K
What to Read to Get Up to Speed in JavaScript - Rey Bango - TW 14.6K - The Big List of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML Development Tools, Libraries, Projects, and Books
Which JavaScript book to buy? -
5 JavaScript Books Worth Every Cent - Dom Scripting - ojs jsg jsd - Sectets of the JavaScript Ninja 28.12.2012 - John Resig 8.5.1984, creator of jQuery - Khan Academy 2006 - TW 368K - - Computing Conversations: Khan Academy and Computer Science YT - Sal Khan's Big Idea
jQuery - release 26.8.2006 - - TW 176K - General Assembly: How to Teach Yourself to Code with John Resig YT - Halo 5 Guardians Full Length Trailer - John Resig Interview: Growing jQuery and Working at Khan Academy - - John Resig YT-Channel - John Resig Hacking Art with Node js and Image Analysis YT -
Top 12 Javascript Books - ojs
TC39 JavaScript Panel at Bocoup, 2013-09-18 - Brendan Eich and Douglas Crockford YT
JavaScript Days 2012 - Interview with Douglas Crockford - CoffeeScript - jQuery instead of DOM - secure JS - 2005 AJAX made JS popular - use JSLint
Douglas Crockford: The Better Parts - JSConfUY 14.3.2014 - Keystrokes are not steeling time, but thinking and reading the created code - footguns, create good programs - put semi-colon, system is not analyzing it correctly - can't know how much code is needed for my program - not time to write, but make code work, may be infinite - es6 - return function() - modules - brackets - new, or object.create -  don't use for, use array.forEach - not for in, but Object.keys(object).forEach - not while and loops, but repeat as recursion - JS will not be the last language, pray for better one with only good parts :-) - took generations to understand that good are high level languages, goto is a bad idea, objects or lambda are good ones, those who are against it can't be convinced, we have to wait until they die 26:00 - lambda best discovery in history of programming - JS is the first who took lambda, now others think they need it, too - sincronous can't do what asynchronous can - system language only C - application languages better - JS class free, prototypalinheritance, gift to humanity 33:30 - Block scope and closure - How to make objects through functions 35:50 - bug with JSON Java - 0.1 + 0.2 === 0.3 // false  ---DEC64: Number = Coefficient * 10 Exponent written by Crockford in Assembly, put on GitHu, people angry 45:45 - JSON creation people angry, too because XML could do that too, but was easier and people took it since 2005, will not be broken or changed -Coding for: The people, the team, management 57:30 - don't make bugs
Douglas Crockford: Really. JavaScript. - writing in JS and think in JS, not Python etc. - Remove bad parts, they are unnecessary and dangerous - not possible with ECMA, but with JSLint 9:00 -
Nordic.js 2014 • Douglas Crockford - Interview - Start first literature, then media, outsider to programming - for Crockford programming about communication, not programming - use computer to create experiences for people, but also program itself is medium of communication - too many people come to programming but they shouldn't - programmers have to be optimistic, needed for debugging - software shouldn't be patents - JS communities - change functions into immutable objects
What Would Crockford Do? Doug Crockford's talk from HTML5 Dev Conf - No degree in computer science -
Douglas Crockford -
Brendan Eich on JavaScript Taking Both the High and Low Roads - O'Reilly Fluent 2014
Processing (programming language) by Casey Reas and Benjamin Fry - Processing.js by John Resig - - - author Daniel - TW 9.4K - - toxiclibs.js - MultiColorGradient -
AngularJS - - angular.js google - TW 3.1K - TW 1.6K
Tom Robinson - San Francisco, California - Cappuccino - b.s. in computer science and engineering and m.s. in computer science (jsd assessements)
Andrew Hedges - Tapulous - blog - Mobile Webkit Tools & Customization with Andrew Hedges of Tapulous YT - - TW 3.1K (jsd assessements)
J. Chris Anderson - Portland, OR - - TW 6.9K (jsd assessements)


CoffeeScript WP - - The Little Book on CoffeeScript online - O'Reilly - Amazon


Mathematics - History of mathematics


Halo (series) - X-Box One Halo - Halo Official - Halo: The Master Chief Collection - Halo: The Master Chief Collection Launch Launch Trailer - Xbox One Console + Halo Master Chief Collection + Forza5 £349,99 -
Top 10 Xbox One Games - Top 5 BEST PS4 Games!! - IGN's Top 25 PlayStation 4 Games (2014)

Car Race
bananabread - Mozilla
Hyrule Warriors Wikipedia
The Legend of Zelda - The W ind Waker- Wii U - Wikipedia - -

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD - Introduction / Outset Island (First 30 Minutes) - packattack04082 - 1/24

Mac - CleanMyMac 2 - - Fri, 2015-1-16 London 14:40 123.79 GB free before, scan in 5 minutes, shows: Automatic Cleanup 5 GB, System Cleanup 4.83 GB, Large & Old Files 85.7 GB, iPhoto Cleanup 166.9 MB, Trash v, Test Version: 14:44 press Clean 5 GB: Close Google Chrome, wantedme to buy the full version, did it 2 times, failed - cleaned 855 MB, Rest 4.18 GB - only continues if buy full version ... Start over again 15:11: says: You cleaned your Mac today, 855 MB -Mac shows now 124.64 GB available - start scanning again - Automatic Cleanup 4.14 GB, System Cleanup 3.93 GB, Large & Old Files 85,7 GB, iPhoto Cleanup 166.9 MB, Trash Cleanup empty - says: Clean 4.1 GB - again wants to buy it - bought it for £17.47 :-) - Order ID: MACPAW150116-9657-68153 - Clean:4.1 GB, Close Chrome - 15:51 start: Cleaned 4.96 GB - Mac shows now 128.11 GB 16:27 - Click to continue v - found 85 GB old files - don't want to delete - finished :-) Let's see if it works ...

Building a drag-drop shopping cart
10 jQuery Shopping Cart Plugins

Music to listen during sessions




Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (c. 1525 Palestrina near Rome – 2 February 1594 Rome) - Motets for 5 voices - The Hilliard Ensmeble - Palestrina WP
Palestrina - Missa Papae Marcelli - The Tallis Scholars, Peter Phillips


Handel 5 March N.S. in Halle (23 February 1685 - O.S.) – 14 March 1759 in London) - Concerto grosso op.3 - Academy of St Martin in the Fields - Sir Neville Mariner
Handel Concerti Grossi Op. 6 - No. 1-12 - Trevor Pinnock, The English Concert
Haendel Royal Fireworks Music Karl Richter Münchener Bach Orchester
G.F. Haendel Water Music - English Baroque Soloists - John Eliot Gardiner
Handel's Water Music & Music For The Royal Fireworks @ BBC Proms 2012
Handel - 7 Keyboard Suites - Keith Jarrett

Bach 31 March N.S. [21 March O.S.] 1685 in Eisenach – 28 July 1750 in Leipzig) Orchestral Suites BWV 1066-1069 - Karl Richter - WP - Karl Richter live in Bild und Ton (I.) - (II.) - (III.)
Bach Orchestral Suites BWV 1066-1069 - Karl Richter
Bach - Conciertos de Brandenburgo 1-6, BWV 1046-1051 - Karl Richter - WP
BCA062 BWV67 Cantata for 1st Sunday after Easter "Halt im Gedächtnis Jesum Christ" - Karl Richter 1973-74 - Text
J.S.Bach - French Suites - Andras Schiff, 21.12.1953 Budapest, Hungary - Glenn Gould 1932 - 1982 - Vol I - Vol II
Glenn Gould An Art of the Fugue - BWV 1080 - Academy Of St Martin In The Fields
Mikhail Pletnev plays Scarlatti Sonatas - Aldo Ciccolini plays Scarlatti Sonatas


W. A. Mozart - Symphony No. 40 in G minor - Harnoncourt - Wiener Philamoniker
Mozart - Symphony No 38 in D major, K 504, 'Prague' - Harnoncourt - Vienna Concentus Musicus
W. A. Mozart - Symphony No. 31 "Paris" in D major - Harnoncourt - Wiener Philamoniker

W. A. Mozart - Symphonies 1-13.1 - The English Condert - Trevor Pinnock


List of compositions by Robert Schumann - 8 June 1810 in Zwickau, Syxony, Germany – 29 July 1856 in Dr. Franz Richarz's Sanatorium in Endenich, a quarter of Bonn, Germany
Schumann - The Symphonies - Bernstein - Wiener Philharmoniker - Live From Grosser Saal, Musikverein, Vienna - 1984 - Op. 38, Symphony No. 1 in B flat, Spring (1841) - Op. 61, Symphony No. 2 in C (1845–46) - Op. 97, Symphony No. 3 in E flat, Rhenish (1850) - Op. 120, Symphony No. 4 in D minor (1841; revised in 1851)
Schumann Papillons, Op.2 - Jörg Demus plays
Schumann: Davidsbündlertänze Op.6 - Andras Schiff
Schumann - Piano sonata n°1 op. 11 - Gilels Moscow 1961
Schumann: Fantasiestücke, Op. 12 - Martha Argerich (1976)
Emil Gilels - Schumann - Symphonic Etudes, Op 13
Schumann: Kreisleriana op. 16 - Andras Schiff --- Martha Argerich
Schumann - 8 Novelletten, Op. 21 (Christian Zacharias)
Schumann - Piano sonata n°2 op.22 - Richter Milan 1962
Emil Gilels - Schumann - Nachtstücke, Op 23
Emil Gilels - Schumann - Four Piano Pieces, Op 32
Robert Schumann - Album for the young Op. 68 - Joseph Nagy, piano
Sviatoslav Richter plays Schumann Waldszenen Op.82
Schumann - Violin Sonata No. 1 in A minor, Op. 105 (Gidon Kremer & Martha Argerich)
Robert Schumann - Violin Sonata No.2 in D minor, Op.121 - C.Widmann & D.Varjon
Robert Schumann - Fughetten Opus 126 - Michael Endres
Igor Oistrakh plays violin: Robert Schumann - Fantasie for Violin and Orchestra in C major, Op.131
Robert Schumann - Missa Sacra in C minor, Op. 147 - 1990 - 1.キリエ (Kirie) 2.グローリア (Gloria) 3.クレド (Credo) 4.オッフェルトリウム (Offertorium) 5.サンクトゥ (Sanctus) 6.アニュス・デイ (Agnus Dei) - Südfunk coro Stuttgart - Director: Rupert Huber
Robert Schumann (1810-1856) - Requiem in D flat major, op.148 - Sawallisch - Wiener Philharmoniker
Schumann - Märchenerzählungen \ Fairy Tales op.132 for Clarinet, Viola and piano, live concert
Schumann: Szenen aus Goethes Faust - Overture - Yoon Jae Lee; Ensemble 212 - Harnoncourt over 'Szenen aus Goethes Faust' by Schumann
Robert Schumann "Geistervariationen über den letzten Gedanken" in E flat Major, WoO 24 - Jörg Demus
ROBERT SCHUMANN: Violin Sonata No. 3 in A minor, WoO 2 - Movement One
Schumann - Violin Concerto in D minor WoO 23, (1853) - Gidon Kremer violin, Chamber of Orchestra of Europe, Nikolaus Harnoncourt

Chopin Preludes [24] Op 28 , Andras Schiff
Anton Bruckner - Te Deum in C major - Berliner Philharmoniker

21st Century

Puccini "Madama Butterfly" -- Sinopoli -- Freni -- Carreras -- Berganza -- Pons 1988
Erik Satie - The Essential Collection

Béla Bartók - March 25, 1881 – September 26, 1945 - Nagyszentmiklós in the Kingdom of Hungary, Austria-Hungary (since 1920 Sânnicolau Mare, Romania

Bartok, Piano Concerto No 3 - Argerich, Bashmet, Toho Gakuen
Argerich plays Shostakovich Piano Concerto No. 1 (Verbier festival 2010)
Leonard Bernstein - Mass - BBC Proms 2012


Billie Holiday - The Best Of (By Classic Mood Experience)
The Best Of Ella Fitzgerald

Ambient & New Age

Harold Budd & Brian Eno - The Pearl
Ocean - Stephan Micus
Temple of Silence ♥ Georg Deuter
Musique zen-Loving Touch-de Deuter


Jack Ü (Skrillex & Diplo) - NYE 1-1-2015 Madison Square Garden NY Full Set (with Setlist)


JavaSript Workshop <<< Back to
PHP - Workshop
HTML5 CSS3 JS - Workshop
IDL Webdesign Exploring canvas drawing techniques -

JavaScript Demos

O-green - Water - Sea of Memes - Actisku - Rime - Dyco - Swooop - alone - Lego - Rollball - chartreusewarden - platformer - asteroids - voyager - goingaround - colorTanks - winterblast - five-for-christmas - sunshine - littleplanetbigrocket - centipede

PlayCanvas - - List of game engines - TW 80.7K - List of Unreal Engine games - Unity - - List of Unity Engine games - - Nintendo Web Framework


Text editors - Sublime Text 2: 1 SpaceCadet - 2 Cobalt - 3 Twilight - 4 Espresso Libre - Sunburst - Solarized (Dark) - Monokai (default) etc.
MacVim torte - blue - ron - efford etc.
Atom from the GitHub team
GNU Emacs (and manuals)
SeaMonkey - Mozilla's all-in-one Internet suite
Aptana Studio 3 - TW 11.5K
More coming soon :-)))


Session 1 - Tue 2015-2-10 London 1:45-4:10=2:25 R CoffeScript ♡♡♡ Alex MacCaw - Jeremy Ashkenas - Backbone.js Underscore.js = 2:25 = 2:25 total time

January 2015 - 31 Sessions, 279:35 total time = (34d+) 7:35 total time - (+ December 2014 =) 344:40 = (43d+) 0:40 complete total time
December 2014 - 9 Sessions, 65:05 total time = (8d+) 1:05 total time

________ Start February 2015 --- End of January 2015 ________

Feroniba Ramin Hassani - IDL eG - GitHub


More coming soon :-)

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