Current Working Area


The Definitive C Book Guide and List - stackoverflow
C - Dennis Ritchie - Dennis M. Ritchie's homepage - Dennis Ritchie's video interview June 2011 - Ken Thompson - Unix - - UNIX Programmer's Manual - Unix First Edition Manuals
Ken Thompson - C Language - Systems Architecture, Design, Engineering, and Verification



aggregation - Ansammlung, Anhäufung, Verdichtung, Gesamtsumme, Aggregat, Aggregation, Vereinigung, Zusammenfassung - ch1
hence - daher, deswegen, folglich, demzufolge, infolgedessen ab jetzt ... ch2
implementation - Umsetzung, Ausführung, Anwendung, das Implementieren, Inkraftsetzung, Durchführung ...- ch1
indispensable - unabdingbar, unerlässlich, unumgänglich, lebensnotwendig ... - ch1
instance - ch1
leverage - zum Durchbruch verhelfen, wirksam einsetzen ... - ch1
parentheses - Klammern
plrthora - Unmenge, Vielfalt, Überfluss ... - ch1
property - Eigenschaft, Merkmal ... - properties - Verhalten, Bestandteile, Wirkung, Wirksamkeit ... - ch1
notion - Idee ... - ch1
tweak - optimieren, zwicken - ch1

<span> - spanned text (small) --- <div> - division (large)
&nbsp; - non-breaking space

<<< Current Working Area <<<

Komodo Edit - Key Commands (Bindings / Shortcuts)

key bindings: Meta = command key

shift+command +space = &nbsp (non-breaking space)
+0 = col orange
--- +2 = duplicate file
--- +3 = screenshot (Mac)
--- +6 = view EOL markers
--- +7 = search
+8 = col red
+9 = col light_blue
+a = <a href> URL link
+c = id="c"
+d = day session
+h = <h3> heading
+i = <img> image
+j = <script>
+k = <kbd> keyboard monospace
+o = ♡
+p = <p> paragraph
+s = save as
+x = typeof
+> = //> command >
shift + return = <br/> break
command + < = jump to

Shift + command at a color code or name = shows color in Komodo :-)

Chrome command + alt/option + j = JS Console

MacBook Pro Keys English & German

- --- ß
ß - ...
: - Ö
; - ö
< - ;
> - :
+ --- `
? - _
_ --- ?
' - ä
" - Ä
[ - option/alt 5
] - option/alt 6

Google Chrome Developer Tools - JavaScript Console refresh: window.location.reload(true);

Shell commands

Basic Shell Commands - Jeremy Sanders - October 2011
An A-Z Index of the Bash command line for Linux

cd - home directory (change directory)
cd folder-name - change directory to folder
cd dir1/dir2/dir3... - change directory to folder
eject - eject removable media
exit - exit the shell
pwd - show working directory
date - shows current day, date and time GMT
# - comment
mkdir folder-name - make a directory (folder)
rmdir folder-name - remove a directory (file)
rm file-name - remove file
ls folder-name - shows list of files or folders
process.exit() - exit / quit
control + c - exit / quit --- press twice!
dc - desc calculator --- works with postfix notation; rather like many HP Calculators - basic arithmetic uses the standard + - / * symbols, but entered after the digits - so entering: 100 0.5 * p will return 50 --- q - quit
echo "something" - shell output: something
echo something - something
echo 5 + 4 --- 5 + 4
echo $PATH - shows path
nano - simple text editor, exit with command + x (^X), save etc.
bzip2 - compress or decompress named file(s)
cal - display a calendar
clear - clear terminal screen
rename - rename files
sudo - sxecute a command as another user
uname - print system information --- Darwin
whoami - print user-name
which - search the user's $path for a program file
who - print all user-names
### - comment / remark


1/1 - one whole
7/8 - seven over eight, seven out of eight, seven eighth
altitude - Höhenlage, Höhe ...
numerator - Zähler
perimeter - Umfangslänge
denominator - Nenner
elevation - Bodenerhebung
gravel - Kies


scope - Bereich, Spielraum, Umfang, Geltungsbereich, Reichweite, Handlungsspielraum, Abgrenzung, Aufgabenbereich, Bandbreite, Betätigungsfeld, Entfaltungsmöglichkeiten, Rahmen, Raum, Regelungsbereich ...



Go (programming language) WP - - Ken Thompson, Rob Pike, Robert Griesemer, Google Inc. - 2009 - filename.go - Google I/O 2012 - Meet the Go Team YT - Google I/O 2012 - Go Concurrency Patterns - Rob Pike YT - Why Learn Go? Rob Pike YT
List of programmers

Computer Science

UNIX 1970 Assembly - 1972 C C 1972 C++ 1983 Python 1991 HTML 1993

CSS 1994 PHP 1995 Java 1995 Ruby 1995 JavaScript 1995

CoffeeScript 2009

Computer science - Charles Babbage 26.12.1791 – 18.10.1871 England - Ada Lovelace 10.12.1815 – 27.11.1852 England - Programming language - syntax (form) and semantics (meaning) - the term computer language is sometimes used interchangeably with programming language - 1943 Plankalkül - 1949 Short Code - 1950 Autocode using compiler to convert automatically into machine code - Flow-Matic 1955 - Cobol - Aimaco - Fortran
APL - Algol - Simula and Smalltalk (object-oriented) - C 1969 - Prolog (logical) 1972 - ML and Lisp 1978 - most modern programming languages count at least one of them in their ancestry
1980s consolidation - C++ Ada Pascal Modula2 PL/I
Growth of Internet mid-1990s created new languages - Perl dynamic websites - Java server-side - Microsoft's LINQ - JavaScript 1995
4GL (4th generation programming languages) domain-specific languages - SQL returns sets of data - Perl can hold multiple 4GLs or JavaScript programs
If language can run its commands through an interpreter (such as a Unix shell or other command-line interface), without compiling, it is called a scripting language

Programs can 1) occupy more programmer hours 2) have more code lines 3) utilize more CPU time - difficult to determine most widely used programs: COBOL strong in corporate data center - Fortran in scientific and engineering applications - Ada in aerospace, transportation, military, real-time and embedded applications - and C in embedded applications and operating systems - other languages regularly used for different applications - Combining and averaging information from various internet sites, claims that in 2013 the ten most popular programming languages are (in descending order by overall popularity):
C 1972 by Dennis Ritchie
Java 1995 by James Gosling and Sun Microsystems
PHP 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf
JavaScript 1995 by Brendan Eich
C++ 1983 by Bjarne Stroustrup
Python 1991
Shell 1950s
Ruby 1995
Objective-C 1983 by Apple Inc.
C# 2000 by Microsoft
11-Assembly ( What is int 80h? by G. Adam Stanislav) - 12-SQL 1974 by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce - 13-Perl 1987 by Larry Wall - 19-Actionscript (dialect of ES and JS used for Flash Adobe) - 20-Coldfusion by Adobe, Jeremy Allaire and JJ Allaire - 23-Pascal 1970 by Niklaus Wirth - 25-Scheme 1975 (2nd dialect of Lisp) by Guy L. Steele and Gerald Jay Sussman - 27-Lisp 1958 by Steve Russell, Timothy P. Hart, and Mike Levin - 29-Erlang 1986 by Ericsson - 30-Fortran 1957 by John Backus - 34-Smalltalk 1972 (dev since 1969) by Alan Kay, Dan Ingalls, Adele Goldberg etc. - ...
Comparison of programming languages - Python not a standardized language?
Top 10 Programming Languages - Spectrum’s 2014 Ranking
What Is The Most Valuable Programming Language To Know For The Future And Why? - Forbes

Redhead Talk - G. Adam Stanislav, born 23.4.1950 in Bratislava, Slovakia - - -


Bjarne Stroustrup: The 5 Programming Languages You Need to Know - C++ Java Python Ruby JavaScript C C# - and one of the functional languages - Why I Created C++
Larry Wall, creator of Perl: 5 Programming Languages Everyone Should Know - JavaScript Java Haskell C (Python Ruby) Perl
Ruby Conf 2013 Living in the Fantasy Land by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto - creator of Ruby
Five Best Programming Languages for First-Time Learners -
Are JavaScript and C++ too similar to learn at the same time? -
30 Most Influential People In Programming
Java - - JVM Java virtual machine - James Gosling - - Oracle Academy
What is a good road map for learning Java? -
10 Ways to Learn Java in just a Couple of Weeks - - Java Puzzles Joshua Bloch
What is the best way to learn Java from scratch and how many hours do I need to put in? -
Top 10 Most Influential Software Programmers - how can i become a good programmer -
Top 10 Java Books you don’t want to miss
How do I learn to code? What language should I start with? -
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - second edition - Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman - Lisp - Scheme
14-Year-Old Prodigy Programmer Dreams In Code - Santiago Gonzalez - - Is Prodigy Programmer The Next Steve Jobs?
Information technology (IT)


Session 1 - Tue 2015-2-10 London 1:45-4:10=2:25 R CoffeScript ♡♡♡ Alex MacCaw - Jeremy Ashkenas - Backbone.js Underscore.js = 2:25 = 2:25 total time

January 2015 - 31 Sessions, 279:35 total time = (34d+) 7:35 total time - (+ December 2014 =) 344:40 = (43d+) 0:40 complete total time
December 2014 - 9 Sessions, 65:05 total time = (8d+) 1:05 total time

________ Start February 2015 --- End of January 2015 ________

Feroniba Ramin Hassani - IDL eG - GitHub


More coming soon :-)

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